Pattern Relaunch!

The Project Baskets was the first pattern I ever wrote up and properly released under my 'love From Beth' brand. That was in 2016 and it is still one of my best sellers. Whats more, I still love it and its one of my favourites.

I have learnt a lot since that time and decided it was time to update and relaunch the pattern. It now comes in two sizes. The original 13" and now also a smaller 8" basket. Both are made in the same way and use the same proportions. There are however a few imrovements to the construction.

The base is now a little easier to sew on and the handles are more sturdy. I have also changed it so the inside base uses the outer fabric to have the extra feature on the inside.

So if you haven't tried this pattern yet, now is a great time.

Get a copy here

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